Reconnective Healing
Nurturing Your Mind, Body and Spirit
At Awakened Life Chiropractic and Wellness Centre, we focus not just on the physical body, but on the mind, body, and spirit, as true healing occurs when there is a return to balance of all areas. A health or life challenge can encompass the physical, mental, spiritual, emotional issues and more. True healing is not about a healing of specific symptoms rather it’s a holistic approach returning to balance your mind, body and spirit. This in turn may bring about the healing you desire. Reconnective Healing can help you on the journey of healing.
Reconnective Healing
The Reconnective Healing spectrum is comprised of the full healing and evolutionary continuum of energy, light and information. It reconnects us to the fullness of the universe and to the fullness of our beings and of who we are. It is able to reconnect us to the universe and to our very essence not just through a new set of healing frequencies, but through an entirely new bandwidth.

A New Energy Continuum
Offered in individual sessions, Reconnective Healing is not therapy or treatment. It is CHANGE. Each person’s healing will be unique, as each of us has our own independent perfection.
Frequently Asked Questions
Learn How it Works!
What is Reconnective Healing®?
Offered in individual sessions, Reconnective Healing is not therapy or treatment. It is CHANGE. Each person’s healing will be unique, as each of us has our own independent perfection. Following your sessions, take a look at your life and be the observer. Notice what has begun to shift. It may be on a physical level. It may be on a mental or emotional level. It may be that a relationship has become easier or a work challenge has disappeared, or, just in your vibrational interaction with others, you’ve become a catalyst, a new link to a situation with which they had been struggling. Again, you will receive what is most appropriate for YOU in your life as well as for those you interact with. Reconnective Healing is a source to wholeness. It is palpable. There is a vibrational shift happening in your very cells. Your DNA is changing. You begin to emit more coherent levels of light. Your life becomes one of flow and life progress.
Where did Reconnective Healing® Originate?
Dr. Eric Pearl is the founder of Reconnective Healing and The Reconnection. Dr. Eric Pearl ran a highly successful chiropractic practice for 12 years in Los Angeles before discovering Reconnective Healing. One day, his patients began to report healings when he simply held his hands near them, without touching them. He went in search of the universal wisdom behind what was happening. Through Dr. Pearl’s journey of research and discovery, it became clear that the appropriate name for this work is “Reconnective Healing.” As he continued working with these energies patients soon reported all kinds of healing and his patient’s healings have been documented in his numerous books including Dr. Eric Pearl’s international bestseller: The Reconnection, Heal Others, Heal Yourself.
Dr. Eric Pearl has been featured in top media including The Dr. Oz Show, The New York Times and CNN. His internationally bestselling book, The Reconnection: Heal Others, Heal Yourself, now in over 39 languages, and has been endorsed by such notables as Deepak Chopra.
Now recognized and supported by science, Reconnective Healing facilitates healings for people that are often instantaneous and can last a lifetime. Feeling compelled to teach others, Eric’s work has taken him to over 100 countries and has affected millions of people.
As a fellow Chiropractor, Dr. Mike Coulas was intrigued by this work and was trained in 2010 in Reconnective Healing and The Reconnection and has been offering this all-inclusive spectrum of healing frequencies to other since that time.
How long is a Reconnective Healing session?
A Reconnective Healing session typically last approximately 30 minutes.
How many sessions will I need?
One to three sessions are normally suggested.
About Dr. Mike Coulas
Chiropractor and Reconnective Healing Practitioner
Dr. Mike Coulas was trained in Reconnective Healing® and The Reconnection® (Level, 1,2,3) by Dr. Eric Pearl, a Chiropractor and the founder of Reconnective Healing® and The Reconnection®. Dr. Coulas has been offering this all-inclusive spectrum of healing frequencies to other since 2010.
Dr. Coulas invites you to experience the spectrum of scientifically supported Reconnective Healing frequencies that reclaim wholeness, balance and health for all living things.
What to Expect During Your Reconnective Healing Session
Dress comfortably. You will be fully clothed, shoes off, with your eyes closed resting face-up on a padded massage table. (Inform Dr. Coulas if you have difficulty lying on your back and he will make accommodations for you as best as possible.) Dr. Coulas will let you know when the session is commencing and there will be no words spoken during your approximately 30 minute session other than letting you know when your session is complete.
Optimal State of Mind
During your session simply close your eyes and let go. Become the observer and the observed. The witness. Notice when you notice something. Notice when you notice nothing. Notice when you notice something again. Allow yourself to experience the wonder of expectancy without the attachment of specific and entailed expectation. Trust the healing that’s most approximate for you is the one that you will received.
What to Expect After Your Reconnective Healing Session is Completed
Once your session is complete, the Practitioner will verbally let you know your session is now complete. Dr. Coulas may ask you a few questions about your experience. If you would like to share your experience you may.
Every experience of Reconnective Healing is unique to the individual. To gain the most from your session, take time after you leave your session to reflect on your thoughts, feelings and emotions. There is something that led you to the Reconnective Healing so take time to focus on you and your healing and not rushing back into everyday life as soon as the session is complete.
Experience Reconnective Healing! Book Your Appointment Today Call 905-430-5352
Disclaimer: This is intended for general well-being and are not meant for the purpose of medical diagnosis, treatment or prescribing of medicine for any diseases, or any licensed or controlled act which may constitute the practice of medicine. No claims, promise or guarantee are made. You are responsible for continuing with your own medical treatment and care by your health provider.